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A member registered Jun 29, 2021

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Sorry if I sounded a bit mean, wasn't my intention.

Good luck man!

(1 edit)

I think it is a cute game, but for me personally, I don't really like the slippery controls. For a game about precision movement I feel like it should be a bit snappier. I've walked next to a spike, only for the character to keep sliding into it.

I also do not like how holding the jump key causes the character to keep jumping, I think for a game like this it would work better if you had to press the key again, I don't know. The only reason I bring this up, is because I've accidentally hit my head on spikes because the character keeps jumping when I didn't expect them to.

Just my personally preferences though, so take it with a grain of salt.

Keep up the good work.

I understand the situation with the Steam release, but why is the version censored too? Kind of feels like a rip off to have a 3rd of the CGs removed.